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Carlo Gubitosa :nonviolenza:

Phil said it in 1991, when writing the first user manual for : “if is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy”. I quoted and translated his message for the Italian public in 1996, in the book “Telematica per la pace”.

That’s why and outlawing privacy in 2025 cannot be considered as an expression of gross and inexcusable ignorance, but it must be considered as a deliberate act of governmental control over private communications. · Avec la loi Narcotrafic, Signal quittera la FranceDi Guillaume Belfiore

@gubi What I am really concerned about is, that no one really seems to care. People read the news, shrug and go on with whatever they are doing. No protests, no people on the streets, just acceptance.

@NebulaTide no one seems to care when we see corporate media, I just found another person who cares in the fediverse :vulcan_hmn_g1: